SPEED HERO Blog — Quinn's Cars

Making Lemonade

Making Breaking Lemonade, it's tough to crack a glass of juice without affecting the cup. Hot yellow stuff, that's what we are talking about. Strong, distinct smell and can give you a bit of a sore throat if you consume too much. Gasoline is an ever going problem with the wagon. Slosh? Thought so. Fuel pressure? Thought that too. Bogging always under hard throttle! What's going on. My floor was hot. I tried to sit...

Eat Your Family

The Bombs Bursting in Air

When I was first getting into drifting the idea of drifting anything RWD was obscure and silly. It was Corolla's, S chassis, FC's and the odd sedan. With the increase in popularity comes variety due to desperation. I was desperate for wheels just before our last event. Weeks, months? Earlier I had purchased an SC400. It was going to be my missile for the year. I was excited. I'm a massive 1uz fan having a little experience drifting one around it was a great opportunity to jump...

More for google images

Careful -> expensive. 1976 Toyota Corona Mark 2 MX13 MX10 4ME

The Beginnings of something renewed.

Working hard, slaving away making someone else's dream a reality is a constant reminder I have my own. I like cars, just a whole heck of a lot. Stashing cash like a squirrel with nuts, hogging away washing cars like a kid saving for summer camp, I managed to scrape enough together to buy a Lexus.  A big boat of a car, 1UZFE powered SC400, it was a hope of an upgrade in social status. The plans? To build a 'Big Corolla'. The idea was simple: Keep...