I have been meaning to make this post for a long time. I finally got together some film of the streets around here, but I also finally had the chance to drag the camera along with me while I took a walk. Please enjoy the photos of random sightings of cars along my walk to drop some food off for Robin at work. This walk is about 45 minutes from home to her store. I took a more creative route....This post is just to show one of the reasons I love it out here. The roads, and the cars.
Let's start out with some roads from the other night. :) Once out of the City center basically all roads, including the highways are very twisty with elevation changes, driving in general out here is fun. The future you venture up these large hills and small mountains the more it rains.
Traffic is fairly minimal on everything but the main roads, but after 9-10ish at night there are generally little to no cars.
There are many parks and other sectioned off chunks of land that have nearly no traffic and a minimal amount of houses.
It's for this reason alone I moved out here. Everything else was a benefit above these.
Now, let's take a walk around my Neighbor hood. I must warn you we are still North of the Boarder. I'm sure California and Nevada are even greater gold mines for old cars, but the culture here is strong and enjoyable.
This image shows, if you look closely, the silhouette of the mountains you can see outside of my door.
This is the first thing you see just walking out of my door. An almost finished 4AC, SR5 suspension swapped TE72 wagon. Anyone got a distributer cap for a 4AC, or a clutch pedal assembly? T-50 shifter? anyone!?
James made some T-shirts a while ago, kinda messed them up a bit, but our cars wear them proudly! :)
I harassed James about this mazda B2000, I didn't know such a cool relic parked across the lane way from us.
I see these two wicked rides everyday. Just around the corner from me, both are very cool! Somehow the Suburban catches my eye more?
Robin seems to prefer the classic looks of the Chevy pickup.
Yet another Suburban, just a house or two down. Plenty of old cars in driveways round us.
Crossing the bridge I caught someone hauling what looks to be an RX-3 Coupe and a 70's dodge pickup to the scrappers. Fucking assholes!!!!!
There's tons of these EA civics flying around. I've always liked them for some reason, perhaps it's the Temple racing crew or the Kaido racers that have my skewed....
Tons of clean 318's and some 320's floating around the bustling traffic of town.
At some point there was 280zx's sitting in this driveway. Note the rare glass headlight covers.
An alternative path of my usual walk features a nice Mustang 2 that seems to be parked there. It's very clean, but not as clean at the C1 corvette stuffed around the corner, shame I didn't see it today.
This image sums up most of my walk. Many cars, long past their prime in other parts of the world, but seen here often driving past each other without concern. Mk1 Jetta and a C10 Chevy pick up. Rad.
Having had the chance to drive the piss out of a lightweight FWD on some very tight, winding, bumpy roads, I have a new appreciation for affordable rally cars. Something you don't mind smashing up as long as it's light weight. The Hyundai Excel Special Edition is a perfect example.
The Tercel wagon is something that always excites me. Oddly enough, it's not really a tercel, but rather a 'Sprinter'. These were actually the first generation "Sprinter Carib". All other Caribs were based on the Corolla platform, and the first gen shares a lot of parts with Corollas of the time. Perhaps it secretly is one? In any case, there's fucking tons of them around. I want one...bad.
Speaking of tons of them, there's piles of these old Volvo's kicking around, most in decent shape. Heck there's plenty of 60's Volvos just cruising around just didn't catch any on Camera today.
The first week I was here I saw 3 Fiat X1/9's, two of them were driving around, another in the scrap yard with parts actually removed from it...! Hidden Fiat Spyder.
A Ram charger is a perfect daily for a tow truck driver.
I just want to point out that this photo probably would've been the same had it been shot in 1983. Time Stands Still.
Comparison photo. Please search out any of these Toyota P/U's in Ontario with original paint and tell me how they look.
Constantly cruising past this Corvair. would be fine, except that it's in the parking lot of an apartment building. Someone dailies this sucker.
One of 3 240sx's I caught today driving around with their original owners.
That's right, Wal-Mart Buick SkyHawk.
Another Wal-mart find, plenty of these on the Island. Suzuki Tin Top Samurai.
There's ASSPILES og conversion vans. I love each and everyone. Coach builders are wonderful.
More Wal-mart awesome.
Love this collection of cars, the X-90 and AWD Corolla wagon. No, that is not an AE86. Variety.
Hopefully this photo shows for you. Another Spyder, and check the arches of that Ranger Ontarians.
Blessed are the Westfalias.
Sand rail anyone?
Original owners anyone?
Plenty of Beetles around too!
I came around the corner and thought I was in the deep south in the 60's.
Looks to be untouched.
This kitty was showing off her 944. She rolled around the ground grinning.
Q <3 Hilux.
I don't know.
More hidden backyard Gems.
I don't think I've seen a crew cab version of one of these old Dodges.
Random spotting of 2nd Gen cvic. Awesome.
Yet another model that bounces around, well old Subaru's in General. 4WD vehicles of all types seem to sell well out here and for good cause, there is plenty up island to explore both on an off road.
Bottle Depot pays for your old cans and bottles. Plenty of neat rides are in and out. Apparently islanders like to drink.
Again, 4WD's are popular. Many jacked up trucks, plenty of them driven by young ladies.
more wild 280zx, check the sweet factory mags!
One of two first gen Stangs on the walk.
2 door Caprice. Good ole days.
Note, this is a highschool parking lot. Buick GNX, check. Mitsubishi Delica, Check. There's so many Delicas around here I don't know what to do with them all.
This Corolla is not for sale. NOT.
Corolla Van, 4 Runner, Eurovan. Nice.
Drive way Evo!
Blessed are the WestFalias.
Also parked outside of the highschool was this AWESOME tracker. Missing grill and bumper pieces, random truck mirror and....
...a Nicely Hand drawn "N". Much like Japanese drivers use the Young drivers green and yellow arrows, BC residents learning to, or improving their driving skills wear an "L" or "N" badge on their cars.
4WD, RHD...sold. Tons of them.
Blessed are the Westfalias.
Meh, this is no different than Toronto.
This photo excites me. Not for the love of rotaries, but for the fact someone is using an ex-mail truck for a business vehicle with Golf wheels on it.
Speaking of Golfs, ladies love them.
More Mustang!
Yup plenty. Domestics are popular, but so are Japanese car, we are pretty close to Japan.
Classic iron hidden away. I didn't get any photos of the Vintage Paige car we ran across the other day.
Remember, these are just random cars from a walk I took today. All these photos are from today and near my house on the North side of the City. There's tons of awesome old cars. Firebird anyone.
Dude gave me a thumbs up for snappin' his ride.
Another corolla Not for sale. :/
Original paint, little red express.
I love multi-purpose vans!
So many old trucks.
God dammit I want that tin CAA badge.
Mid engined vans, long before Van LE's.
Amazing post, please do this more often. I’m lucky if I see that amount of junk in 2 weeks yet alone a day.
We must go out some more, with organization and safety.
Great post ! Love all those photos, I am an old japanese fanatic also :-) Own a good ’ol 1988 Civic Shuttle for my daily trips.
But where are you from exactly ?
Panda Drift
I want to move here please. Accept my proposal to be your roomie.
Amazing post, please do this more often. I’m lucky if I see that amount of junk in 2 weeks yet alone a day.
We must go out some more, with organization and safety.
Great post ! Love all those photos, I am an old japanese fanatic also :-) Own a good ’ol 1988 Civic Shuttle for my daily trips.
But where are you from exactly ?
I want to move here please. Accept my proposal to be your roomie.
i gotta visit tell James ill bring timbits