SPEED HERO Blog — Cars
Ibaraki is quite pleasant in December.
So this story begins a few months ago. I was biking home from work, when I decided to take the back streets home. As I rounded the corner, I saw the familiar silhouette of a loved one. It was a Levin hatchback. Then I saw another. Then I had to meet the owner of this magical place. As it turns out, he also has another AE86, a C3 Corvette, a Piaggio Ape, and a Formula SAE car tucked away on site. His name is Komukai Ryou, and he's also one of my favourite...
Taking an Artistic Dump.
Although this blog was the original medium showcasing the spirit of Speed Hero, it has slowed drastically. Other mediums have become more convenient or at least more obvious in their actual reach. For those of you who still subscribe to this, here's an open dump of some Speed Hero propaganda created since the last time you saw. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="796"] Circuit board inspired graphic. A t-shirt design that never panned out.[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1024"]
An actual T-shirt, Only a single was printed and...
Speed Hero Manga
Home from work with excessive depression, I was just being angry in photoshop when this poured out of me.
Full gallery here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/48368366@N02/sets/72157642875429035/
Some how, we missed it.
I'm not sure how we missed it. Decades of promises of futuristic cars, promised later, sometimes promised now. Atomic 50's American dreams of the future of Jet Set motoring, flashy shapes, classy speed, glamorous. We missed it. You did too, you're just as much to blame as me, though I couldn't afford it persay, but at only $18,000 brand new, it wasn't out of the reach of most of the modern world. You could've afforded one, with a warranty, I'm guessing, it's most likely to be honest. I'm not entirely sure how we missed it; the worlds most realistic-futuristic car....
Consider the following
You suddenly find yourself, lost in the market of choices for automobiles. You need a Drifto Magic Carpet Whip pretty much as soon as now. Where do you go? All your Option 2 heros cars are played out, filled with hip-young-YOLO kids and you can't get a brake on a nice granny getter import for the sake of your existence! So what do you want? -Mad Sick Torque, your going to swap the engine anyways. -Rear Driven Wheelies. -Tons of aftermarket support, chilling on the shelf at...