The Corolla Parts Exchange Opens

Speed Hero has expanded. It's been a long term goal to become more involved in the community, beyond giving a hand wrenching on friends cars. Since moving to the island, I've spent a lot of my day trips rubbernecking at random interesting vehicles. This has become a large hobby of mine, so much so I carry pre-printed flyers that I leave on peoples cars and when I knock on doors. The goal is very simple. There are plenty of old Corollas still on the road all with owners. These owners all have different resources related to them and their cars, but not everyone has the resources they need. In today's society most people are only willing to trade their resources for money, and the value placed on these resources is often very random without complete consideration. This leads to things resting in peoples garages and backyards, over valued and under needed. Often this results in people giving up on the item and scrapping it. There is two problems here: 1. being that these people need to take the time to advertise and negotiate their price with prospective buyers, which can be a very frustrating and exhausting experience.  2. Some of these items are no longer in production, or are just too expensive new for buyers, so when good used parts get scrapped, people miss out. There is a dramatic lack of interaction with a focus on keeping vehicles on the road, working. So I decided there needs to be a Hub. There is a large network of Corolla owners on the island that own old Corollas for different uses, and only share the common goal of continued operation of these vehicles. By creating a hub, and inviting owners to participate, we can help share resources easier and more openly with less frustration and wasted time. Can you explain why it is free? First off Corollas are not big sports cars, the majority of people who drive them, for what ever purpose, enjoy their affordable market values, cheap operating costs, and great reliability. These people are not heavy in the wallet, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve the financial freedom those who are wealthy experience. Secondly, it removes pressure and awkwardness in transactions, there is no need to place a monetary value on the object, but rather a value of usefulness both projected for ones car, or another. Finally, not everyone has the ability to contribute back right away, by helping them now, there is incentive for them to help out later, when or if they can. How does it work? A central location/storage is volunteered where people can leave their items. There is no ownership of these items once they are placed, they are free for anyone to acquire. Similar to a giant, "take a penny, leave a penny" cup, people who have useful items, but limited storage, can drop them off for others to use rather than throwing them away to be destroyed. Lastly, by having a few key individuals monitor the whole process, there is a core of members who have heightened knowledge that can pass on information to casual users of the program regarding technical issues, or leads to questions. For more information, please click on "Corolla Parts Exchange" at the top of our page. If you are looking to start a local chapter in your area whether it be aimed at Corollas or not. Feel free to Contact us with any Questions.

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  • You go there girl friend!

    • Warren (not uk)
  • clear corners look dope, too bad its a liftback

    • jayrod