SPEED HERO Blog — Toyota Corolla
E7 Love❣❣❣
Yeah, so I dicked up the first article. This one will be a little bit better, but still needs improvement to be perfect. On a whim while building my scooter I asked Joel; "How many body styles of the E7 are there actually?" "I unno," he muttered back. Having reviewed my original E7 article long ago, I realized it was crappy, like all the other things I post. I spent a few hours collecting photos, to help build a better article than before. For those of you in the know, the "E" in the...
Important pictures. Important Firsts.
We'll start with a continuation from a previous posts #1 & #2 This photo above made my trip home. I may have failed at life in upside down world, but a few weeks in Ontario and someone will turn my art into an 80's style Wooden poster. This has opened a new world of retro style automotive art. Bring on the high waist one piece swimsuit models. Thanks Greg! Let's focus on some other photos. Continuing with some photos from my upbringing, here's some evidence...
What a mess of a title. There was a good chunk of people 'reppin' brands. A mixture of titles, shouted greetings, small standing groups, and chasing each other down on the track. I've been away from Ontario for 4 years now, and I left it on a very positive note. I have a 4 year old memory in my head, of the generous, welcoming nature of Ontarians. A group of people gathered on an evening to wish me good by many years back.
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Better Than Brock, the fire sale, some fire damaged items!
Intro: Now at the sale portion of the plan. This is where I put my little life up for grabs. I'll be honest, some of these things hurt in my middle to sell. I'm a bit curious if he's haunting me for challenging his lap. Seriously though, it's tough, time to sell. For those of who who arn't aware of what's going on. Click Here Items: Let's start off with my daily. I have two cars for sale, you can see the other below.
Local Speed Heros: The Duke of Sooke.
This is a post that should've been written many moons ago. Blinded by the dazzle, it's here now. Corey Bergerud is the epitome of idea of Speed Hero. It's important when I see the right person to point them out, and there's no one more I can think of that gets it. Whatever it is, if your searching for an example best to look to Corey.
Corollas, all day, all up in your business: Old ones, REAL OLD. Corey's an avid collector of vintage Toyota tin. He's the go-to...