SPEED HERO Blog — Uncategorized
Happy Birthday Needs More Speakers!
For real this time, happy birthday Aaron! It better be right this time...or else.
Outlets 3: Radio waves
Flying through the air is little bits of radio frequency. You can't catch them with your hands, so don't even try, you'll look foolish. However, for some they are a tool of their outlet: R/C cars. R/C cars is just as diverse as the real thing. People seem to find outlets in R/C forwhat ever their favorite automotive passion might be. From Rock Crawling...
Oddballs pt 1. Some Tuuuurks
I figured I'd begin sharing part of my new collection of oddball car photos. Everytime I switch computers my old picture collection disappears, meaning I have an excuse to start a new one. Gigs lost, gigs gained. If I feel like it. I may even including interesting points or information related to the photos, but, as of late, I've been feeling wavery, so probably not. I spend hours browsing through forums and random posts, webpages and wikipages. Just enjoying my cruise down the information highway. Much like...
A curious case of wat.
I was browsing through some build threads as I like to save pictures of ae86's stripped down as it helps when an idea comes to mind for a modification. Instantly having a reference material of a clean, unrotten chassis or chassis part makes it easy to mawk things up in my brain. When I came across DJexors Levin Coupe build up, I couldn't help but blurt out "wat" loudly as I looked at his 'repair bay'. It wouldn't be so confusing if you didn't know that this is in the middle of the Netherlands!
I'm UKDM as Fawk.
So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, playin' workout tapes by Fonda But Fonda ain't got a motor in the back of her Honda Well neither does this one. It's in the front, this rare Avon built, Turbo charged Triumph Acclaim. Triumph is correct. From 81 to 84, they offered the FWD acclaim in basic and performance versions to the British public. I have to thank the Japanese and the British for their agreement. I mean, when you can't build quality cars worth dick, and you decide to...