SPEED HERO Blog — capital city drift
Capital Drift Episodes by Aircooled productions
Justin is actually a founding member of Capital Drift. He is also our main media guy, and his recent time at Shaw television has allowed him a greater opportunity to film and edit our scene even more! Recently he's put out 4 episodes of Capital Drift coverage on top of his many previous videos. Check out these episodes!
Episode #1: Drift School.
Episode #2: First round 2017
Episode #3: Round 2 2017
Episode #4: Round 3 2017
Pairs upon piles of 5M's.
I can't fight it. I shouldn't fight it. I've just have a magnetism to 5M powered vehicles. Though it seems more often then not they seem to find me. My first 5m powered car was in the form of a free '81 Supra. This was a free donation from the owner, the only one in the bunch I never got to slide. More on the story of it in 'The Beginnings". This little duck is so far the only 5ME, I've owned. The was a white automatic ghost...
It's been over 2 years living in Victoria. Operating, interacting with the world is quite different than it was when I first arrived. The island itself hasn't changed much though, but how my everyday life goes on it, too it, has.
Before making foot prints on this, for all the islanders know it, black and white soil, there was a strong scene here in Victoria. Looking back on the footage the driving was terrible, but...
The Bombs Bursting in Air
When I was first getting into drifting the idea of drifting anything RWD was obscure and silly. It was Corolla's, S chassis, FC's and the odd sedan. With the increase in popularity comes variety due to desperation. I was desperate for wheels just before our last event. Weeks, months? Earlier I had purchased an SC400. It was going to be my missile for the year. I was excited. I'm a massive 1uz fan having a little experience drifting one around it was a great opportunity to jump...
Hussle n' Flow
Justin threw together a super great video from the April 22nd event! Sweet!
If you want to see some of the raw snapper, there's a longer extra footage video here.