Riding the high of last posts South American trend we begin our Journey on an odd ball. The Dardo F1.5.
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Looks like a Porsche Fiat? You got it, an X1/9 Fiat, with an 928 headlight setup. Brazil, you're my hero.[/caption]
Let's continue this adventure of Wedges. The Hofstetter Turbo. Another VW chassis fiberglass kit-ish car. Few of the Brazilian cars really had a refined, well balanced, proportioned look. The Hoffstetter Turbo was one of the few to be visually admirable as well as abstractly admirable.
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Pseudo Italian look-a-likes seemed to be most timeless of the Brazilian built cars. Pictured above is a Hofstetter Turbo.[/caption]
If you're down for more wedges, and low-buck fiberglass retro-futurism, then dig no further into the Renha branded Formiago pickup. Nothing says rugged like a loosely fitting, limited detailed, rear engined pickup truck based on an aircooled beetle.
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I'd like to dig more into Adamo. I didn't dig into them too much as I got distracted, but before we get away from them, let's poke into a few.
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The Adamo Monza was an oddly Chrysler New Yorker looking version of the Chevrolet Cavalier, J-body Chassis. A similar looking variant was sold in North America as found on a birthday hike I did nearly 7 years ago. You can find it here! [/caption]
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The much sportier, and more pseudo Italian, Adamo GTL.[/caption]
Good thing we got back to Brazilian wedges, because I got easily distracted by the handsome Grancar Designs, Futura minivan!
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Teste! The Grancar Design, Futura.[/caption]
Wait a friggin minute. I know that design!!! That's not a Brazilian design at all! That's a.....
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First generation Renault Espace.[/caption]
Renault Espace! What's confusing about the Espace is it's origins of design. Originally conceived in the UK in the mid 70's. It was to be a Chrysler design, sold through Talbot, using Simca parts. Talbot was then bought by Citroen/Peugeot and they decided it was too costly to build, so they gave the design away. Matra picked it up and decided to sell it to the competitor Renault who ran with the idea. What's funny though, is that the Chrysler/Dodge Caravan was made from Talbot parts. Both Vans were sold for the 1984 model year. The Caravan was almost an Espace!
I think we'll leave off today's post with the unhealthy looking Ford Furglaine Van.
Today's Drawings suck hardddddd.
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