SPEED HERO Blog — citroen
SHDP, Day 5, Nov 1st
Riding the high of last posts South American trend we begin our Journey on an odd ball. The Dardo F1.5. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="691"] Looks like a Porsche Fiat? You got it, an X1/9 Fiat, with an 928 headlight setup. Brazil, you're my hero.[/caption] Let's continue this adventure of Wedges. The Hofstetter Turbo. Another VW chassis fiberglass kit-ish car. Few of the Brazilian cars really had a refined, well balanced, proportioned look. The Hoffstetter...
French Style, is Fresh Style
Continued photo dump from a previous post. God this car is obscure and handsome.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800" caption="Check out the obscure, but great looking manual shifter! The matching E-brake handle is cool, and great spot for a radio! Are those power windows?!?!?!"]
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