B.C. Day Coast Drift - The Reckoning

My car, as you can see from pictures in previous posts, is in disrepair. It will not always be this way, but it is right now. What this means is that when I couldn't arrange a ride out to Western Speedway for the big Coast Drift event I decided "How far could it be?" It's really fucking far. Pretty nice walk though. I walked for about an hour into Langford before stopping for a drink. Hydrated (or at least caffeinated) I continued on my way. Within about 5 minutes I stopped to talk to a little old lady who was out walking her Pomeranian. I explained that she reminded me of my grandmother back in Ontario, same dog and all. She asked where I was headed and where I had been and was shocked at the distance travelled. She decided that since she and her husband were going for a Monday Sunday drive, they might as well take me the rest of the way. I figured I was pretty safe unless it was all a trick, they were homicidal maniacs and all set to gas me in the back of their Kia. They didn't, I'm thrilled Best looking car of the day Matt Doh was styling hard on everybody with his coupe and consistent driving. A lot of familiar faces showed up. Matt T Matt T and do-boy Matt Tregear was solid as always. His coupe is a bit of a monster. It sparkles like a vampire Kohei Nakamura Kohei Nakamura is always a solid contender. His tandem battles with friend Steve Thompson are always serious business. Speaking of Thompson... Drift Terror "Is that a girl or boy?" says the 5 year old next to me in the stands The biggest surprise for me was Reo Baird. One of the organizers of the event, he was friendly and mellow. He did a couple of ride alongs, his car is anything but mellow and friendly. Reo Baird There was tonnes of smokey power and he tossed it around like a gymnast girlfriend. I'm tired of writing and I'm not feeling particularly witty to day so to wrap up, it was a pleasure meeting Reo, Kyle and Peter from Coast Drift. It's always a great time talking to Kohei Nakamura, Steven Thompson and Matt Tregear. I was happy to put a face to both do-boy and dugwillis of Dorikaze.com I managed to hitch a ride home in a minty 240 coupe with a redtop SR20. His friends name's Jeff, I forget his name, I'm such an asshole. PICTURES! See.  I saw Soarers, this is one Soarer I saw. F20 Corolla Before First day out drifting in his car, ended by a swift wall to the face. After What do you do when your good looks fade? Good clean fun for the entire family. approximately There may actually be a part two to this. Maybe with words and such...probably not.

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  • cool, im on here!

    • dug
  • You’ll be on part two as well. We can’t leave anyone behind.

    • zombievrobot
  • lol I know what that feels like, first day out and smucko! Some people give up, I hope he doesn’t, the car is disposable, the fun and memories are not.

    • discoquinn