SPEED HERO Blog — Zombi
Zombi Neither Shows Nor Shines
Well I guess it technically shows. The all Japanese show and shine was a great day full of cars, friends, fun and chimichangas. I love the old Civics and this was an exceptional example. I especially like the massive moon roof and glowing endorsement of the hondamatic transmission
The Datsun 1000 was a...
When There's No More Room in Hell
I remember when it all began. With one final squeal and a death rattle it settled into what was sure to be it's final resting place. You'll have to excuse the pictures you've seen before...or not.
After some embalming and gussying up, it was ready for viewing. Little did I know it would roar back to life and go on a tire throwing,...
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"You're supposed to be setting a good example. Now get back in your coffin immediately!"
Just a quick update on the slowly progressing beast that is Zombi.
5 speed will be in very soon and then the fun really begins.
Whispers of Ontario
I have quite a few parts to source and afford before Zombi will be road worthy but I thought I would get a start on things. When I got home from the Coast Drift event at Western Speedway (post to come) I decided to see how many disgusting fluids I could expose myself to inside the slag. There's nothing quite like cleaning up years of french fries, chips and pictures of kittens? Bathroom tiles? Wait, what?
Read the article
I posted pics of this monstrosity when I first picked her up. I prioritized and got a job and a place to live but now that I have those two things I can start on the car. [caption id="attachment_488" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="They\'re coming to get you Barbara!"][/caption] The plan will probably be tranny, suspension, engine, rear end in almost that order as well as rust repair, sex appeal (can you do that to a Corolla?) rims etc. <-in no particular order. [caption id="attachment_489" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Auto fail...