SPEED HERO Blog — Uncategorized

How Quinn Buys Cheap Cars.

I'm constantly berated with questions about acquiring cars. Although I'm touted for my success in enjoyment and reliability to value, so few ever take my actual advice. So rather than having to recite my script to them, after owning 65 cars by the age of 30, I've come up with this approach to acquiring junk cars. #1 Rule: Never spend more than $1000 on a car. How to buy cars like Quinn: 1. First Start: Check if the engine is warm when you view the car for the first time. (This is at best, a small red flag, if they've...

Crank up your Speakers

Turn them up, full blast. This shit is about to get nutty. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQkdMw4TVjY[/embed]

Happy New Years! Tsukuba Play Mat!

Maybe we should start this year off by doing cool stuff. Thanks to Sean Nesbit loaning me a decent PC to use, I was able to whip up this idea that was stuck in my head. Tsukuba kids play mat! Now your toddlers can time attack!

Not for you, for me. Documenting a feeling.

I'm soo embarrassed to like cars, to love them, to be obsessed with them. I felt like I've wasted my life, spent my youth on acquiring useless knowledge, forming invaluable opinions, absorbing pointless and childish experiences. After nearly 25 of my 30 years on earth focused intensely on the observation of the automobile I have yet to develop usable and/or self sustaining skill regarding the automobile. Instead I draw from all other aspects of life, weigh heavily on loved ones, and slowly sponge resources from outside of cars into my own. This mass of resource spent on half completed projects,...

Peeking into Car Culture.

I was hanging out with a lovely person, not attuned to car culture. It was her first drift day; she had a lot of fun. I remember specifically her words. "I would've never thought this was a thing!" she proclaimed excitedly. It reminded me of a thought I often have. I don't post much here anymore, it's not that Speed Hero is dead, it's just I haven't learned too many new things in a while, my excitement to share isn't as vibrant. People already know about this stuff, I often feel, so I discourage myself from linking to the obvious...