SPEED HERO Blog — Uncategorized

Happy Blasphemy Day Speed Hero!

Now go out and blaspheme.

I miss the RWD meets!

Last year we had a lot of fun hanging out, chatting about cars and making fun of each other. What happened? *click for biggy. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1024" caption="once you see it...."]once you see it....[/caption]


Look, my car is ghetto. I'm poor, so I need some sort of inspiration, no? noriyaro_goto_ae86_021 The following links is a quick, less than 2 minute round up of cars I find fucking awesome. Do-Boy, let James snap some pics of your coupe, it's amazing. Rat Rolla, Garage 86 Goto San #1 Goto san #2 Crazy Knuckles All of team Motorfix There is definatly more, if you know of any like this, post up a link!

Day in the life pt.3

wolfy Just another set of random photos before I clear the camera. Above a poorly airbrushed wolf on the back of a rusty suburban. P1010353 A random showing of vintage cars out front of Canadian tire. Turns out there was a vintage auction coming up soon. The security guard was a complete dink. "If you ask me, a car is just a car, once you've seen one....". I was tempted to deck him as he climbed back into dodge caravan hugging his Tim...

Stop in your tracks.

Driving along highway 24, it's an old highway, much like highway 7 you often see wrecks floating about from yesters-past. I was hobbling along in an '83 Corolla proud I was the oldest thing running. Good thing about old corollas is that they are light. I slammed on my brakes to make the driveway, as a flat head caught my eye, but alas highway 24 is also a 80kmph zone, so I let off, caught speed and checked out the next driveway, eyes over the shoulder to the flat head v8 a few hundred meters behind me. win3...</p>

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