SPEED HERO Blog — Uncategorized
25,000 and counting.
I'd just like to thank all of our loyal followers for continuing to read our shitty little blog. This month was our highest readership ever, we've been steadily increasing over time. Not only does that, by a justified mathematical measurement prove with science that we are cool, but it means we're doing a good job. James, Aaron, and myself would like to hear some feedback if you got it. Your more than welcome to post here, or just hit us up on Facebook sometime, www.facebook.com/discoquinn Sadly there...
It's a sickness.
So it's been a couple of weeks since I picked up that Infiniti. When I picked it up, I thought "OK, maybe I won't do too much to this thing." I mean after all, it's a FWD luxury sedan with a terrible turning radius. What could possibly make me want to modify it? That didn't last long. I suppose what I didn't expect was to start modifying things at all. I mean, this was supposed to be a car to get my to and from school. It wasn't...
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Quinn. I'm sorry, James. I'm sorry, Tom. But I got this thing for Carthik money. CARTHIK MONEY. Yes, there's paintwork left to do, but I couldn't bear to drive my Corolla in the winter anymore. I just couldn't. Well, at least it's still 5 speed. On an unrelated note, how did we end up using 1.8 gigs of space?
I love Motorfix
My Name is...?
I've had some things bouncing around my skull for a while now. It took a message from Q to get me moving. Speed Hero is coming to a point where the free blogging isn't going to cut it. We're running out of space and missing out on some of the opportunities that come with a little more legitimacy. Unfortunately, we need a name. Some time after this blog started, speedhero.com was scooped up by an Iphone app. out of the UK. So here we are, in need of a name that will allow us to continue to grow and make...