SPEED HERO Blog — Toyota

Betsy, never a cow

Cars and Pets are very similar. They both require fluids to continue to move and live, they both need a bath time to time, they both need to taken about in the fresh air. The strongest similarity though, is that they both become part of the family, the more time you spend with them. I'll be honest, I've owned a disgusting amount of cars, among them I've liked many and loved a few. Joni Mitchell's big yellow taxi speaks it best, that you don't know what you've got until it's gone....

Insert Cliche Dr. Frankenstein Impression Here

I was happy to be there for the inaugural run of Sea Dog Restall's Corolla. See anything interesting, aside from the body colour(s)? Just some shots to show that it really happened. Video would have been more impressive for showing "accidental" losses of traction and "purposeful" loss of hood.

The Corolla Parts Exchange Opens

Speed Hero has expanded. It's been a long term goal to become more involved in the community, beyond giving a hand wrenching on friends cars. Since moving to the island, I've spent a lot of my day trips rubbernecking at random interesting vehicles. This has become a large hobby of mine, so much so I carry pre-printed flyers that I leave on peoples cars and when I knock on doors. The goal is very simple. There are plenty of old Corollas still on the road all with...

I ♥ Nikko

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGhG-5TDMMY&fs=1&hl=en_US] and to a lesser extent, Corollas.

Hey Man Tuning

These guys will forever be my Hero's. For those of you new to drifting, you may want to write these guys a thank you letter. Yokota Airforce base located in Japan, these American boys were into drifting long before it hit US shores. You'll note that they were drifting 'boro boro' or 'missiles' long before the term was coined, perhaps they are the reason for the name? In any case, you'll also noticed a very young Robbie Nishida of Formula D fame, as well as Shinji Minowa of D1GP fame, who contiues the Hey Man line of products...