SPEED HERO Blog — European
Box Trot
Der Kombiwagen ist schön! Wasting my time looking at pictures of cars I came across something that caught my attention, and the reason it caught my attention was it's on my list of things to build, and boy is it disappointing to find there's a factory version of a custom idea you've got. My mind instantly concluded it was a photoshop, not real, never made them, still room to be the first. I was wrong, my German is none existent, but I believe it is a factory prototype.
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My Empire Of Dirt
Dear god I have been busy out of my brain lately. This Corolla Exchange is slow, but time consuming. With my daily driver Betsy dying, my Grand father passing away, Corolla parts coming and going, my new daily blowing up the day we bought it, and starting a new job all basically in one go, my mind has been jumbled and ridiculous. Sadly, my lawn is littered with cars. That shouldn't be there! [gallery columns="1" orderby="title"]