SPEED HERO Blog — drift

Bukit Putus...

Spotted this video on another site and had to share. Amazing road, no traffic.

So good.

Virtual Gangstar.

Thanks to the wonderful Mr Crix for the sweet SpeedHero design! 100% free on his Forza storefront, check dat shit out yo!

Great Event or Greatest Event?


Running the Show, the addition of 'City'

A personal account of accidentally being in the middle.



Drifting is an alternative word for Chaos. Highly dynamic and really unquantifyable, the art of initiation and controlled burnouts at speed is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to the differences of North American culture. Although the joke is that Asians are better at math, it seems the majority of North America lives their lives in a fairly set manner; work, eat, sleep, pay bills. Japan seems a bit more in-tune with their indefinable feelings and it's often seen in the arts...

Capital CITY Drift, Round the Second!

It would seem that after some serious staff changes and some organizational adjustments, Capital Drift will now be known as Capital City Drift. Don't be alarmed, it's still the home of drifting on Vancouver Island. Read the article