SPEED HERO Blog — Cars


(4:23:48 PM) Hashiriya: all s14s crash. always. right? (4:24:07 PM) Hashiriya: so, would I have better odds of not crashing an s14 if it has already crashed at some point prior in time? (4:24:43 PM) Quinn: hmm, the simple answer is...

Temporary Success.

So, story goes: I move across the continent with nearly no money and a car full of tools. Dorikaze's Gordo (ed) provides me with a shell of a wagon for $50. With my hands and my wits. It has come together and driven from the spot it was parked. I hope it continues to do so. It's alive, it moves under it's own power and I somehow installed my clutch backwards, but it works sort of. lol Read the article

I love China.

Look, I'm a Communist Buddhist...Buddhuminist for short. I believe in open opportunity for all equally, and that objects only have value if they have use. So the Chinese system of production, and lack of patent laws makes life interesting and for the most part logical. [caption id="attachment_2621" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Let\'s go ahead and thank Alexi at Noriyaro.com for this photo. "][/caption] Yes, that is a first gen Japanese Suzuki Alto Works. However, the Chinese already build all the parts/replacement parts for this car. So, why not build their own?...

Urine Trouble

It runs. Nothing can be said about longevity at this point but the 4ag block, 4ac head, re-used/re-drilled head gasket starts, runs and revs. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZQbHnJbsJ8]

Now For Something We Hope You'll Really Like.

I didn't have much to say about Cap D and no pictures of my own. I ended up overwhelmed with the excitement of flogging my own slag all over the track. First thing everyone needs to do is take a look of the amazing photos coming from Val Melnik The weather ran the gammut from hurrican winds and driving rain to gorgeous, track drying sun. The turn out was immense which made for long waits between runs but a lot different skill levels just out to have fun....