SPEED HERO Blog — bmw
Chicken Egg: Boxes of Box.
Boxes, little boxy boxes everywhere. Which came first! The similarities between the E30 and the E7 are too obvious to discount.
The Similarities continue.
There is plenty more. So which came first you ask? Between the E30 and E7, the E7 was actually released in 1979. The e30 was released 3 years later in 1982. A sign of Japanese espionage? The truth is...
Umgebauten Lastwagen
I find the best posts on this blog seem to have a continuation of story's or themes from previous epic posts. Sex? Boring, but that doesn't mean I don't have fetishes. There's something so satisfying about roof modifications. It's the core of cool, the roots of rat, the midst of magnificent. Since the dawn of shit beat fun cars, hacking up the roof has always been left to those who are rad as fuck. I had built two before, that's right, cut cars into trucks. Previously welding...
Out in the Streets, they call it Murder
Welcome to Jamrock. A European heavy edition of my horrible DOTS copying. Downtown/China Town Victoria is Euro heavy from Classic BMW's, to Vintage Volvo's. Seems to be the hip thing to do on the western side of Douglas street with many European specialty repair shops located all very close to each other. Hey, that van is part of an ancient European candy giving tribe. Never fear, someone cruises by in an old van and offers you a chocolate bar to get in? They are just friendly and practicing...
I ♥ Ken Done M3
Of all the BMW art cars I've seen, Ken Done's is the best. :)
Box Trot
Der Kombiwagen ist schön! Wasting my time looking at pictures of cars I came across something that caught my attention, and the reason it caught my attention was it's on my list of things to build, and boy is it disappointing to find there's a factory version of a custom idea you've got. My mind instantly concluded it was a photoshop, not real, never made them, still room to be the first. I was wrong, my German is none existent, but I believe it is a factory prototype.
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