Bad Slide Night.
I gave in, I bought a new headgasket. Awesome, last A engine C head gasket on the island apparently at JB auto parts. Swapped the gasket, cleaned the head and block, torque it down all nice and good, and it runs like absolute garbage, over heats like a whore, stalls, bogs and generally a serious bitch. The engine ran WAY better with the drilled out, reused 4AG gasket. Go figure, also, the air getting in my cooling system? Found out my heater core is leaking like a shiv. Who knows if my old gasket was working well or not.
I guess we did it second.
So, Colby and I did the nose swap knowing people had swapped Levin noses onto E70's before, we had no knowledge that just shortly before we did it, our heros, Team Motorfix, had done it too. Neat!
Temporary Success.
So, story goes: I move across the continent with nearly no money and a car full of tools. Dorikaze's Gordo (ed) provides me with a shell of a wagon for $50. With my hands and my wits. It has come together and driven from the spot it was parked. I hope it continues to do so. It's alive, it moves under it's own power and I somehow installed my clutch backwards, but it works sort of. lol Read the article
Now For Something We Hope You'll Really Like.
I didn't have much to say about Cap D and no pictures of my own. I ended up overwhelmed with the excitement of flogging my own slag all over the track. First thing everyone needs to do is take a look of the amazing photos coming from Val Melnik The weather ran the gammut from hurrican winds and driving rain to gorgeous, track drying sun. The turn out was immense which made for long waits between runs but a lot different skill levels just out to have fun....