Colbskee is a West Coast Cat.
Colbskee of Dorikaze fame (lol) made the arduous trek from the barren plains of Saskatchewan to the Mountainous mysticism of B.C. He landed April 1st and has wasted no time in falling into the habits of the nerdowells of the Speed Hero crowd. Body fat ended up splattered all over my lawn yet again and the wagon started to get whipped into shape. He's on the hunt for a 4ag and 5 speed swap and has his eyes set on drift. That's two drift wagons on the...
When There's No More Room in Hell
I remember when it all began. With one final squeal and a death rattle it settled into what was sure to be it's final resting place. You'll have to excuse the pictures you've seen before...or not.
After some embalming and gussying up, it was ready for viewing. Little did I know it would roar back to life and go on a tire throwing,...
Life in Motion
Things are coming together! Still need a 6 Bolt manual flywheel for James's car. His suspension and brakes are done. Next up? Some Speed Hero Steering Rack Spacers. Soon for sale!
Fill er`up!
At this point I`m ready to ziptie some flares on and pretend the rust doesn`t actually exist. That being said, bodywork is messy fun. Where it was... Where it is...
There`s still some sanding to do but I`m just about ready to prime the bad side of this car. The drivers side has some rust but it`s all minor and easy to fix, potentially no filler lol. Once the passenger side is done, I`m laughing. Then all that needs to be done...
They're coming to get you Barbara!
I'm going to keep posting the little bits of progress as they happen. Still on the hunt for a lot of parts. I have a few holes to deal with tomorrow and I'm going to need a lot more primer.
This last bit is just for Quinn's amusement...DON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK!
Keep the...