My Name is...?

I've had some things bouncing around my skull for a while now. It took a message from Q to get me moving. Speed Hero is coming to a point where the free blogging isn't going to cut it. We're running out of space and missing out on some of the opportunities that come with a little more legitimacy. Unfortunately, we need a name. Some time after this blog started, was scooped up by an Iphone app. out of the UK. So here we are, in need of a name that will allow us to continue to grow and make sure the world knows where we are. What do you guys think?

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  • I like the myspeedhero. com . is open too eh.

    • Donn
  • DriftHero, DriftHeroQuinn or QuinntheDrift maybe?

    • Lord Letto
  • Drift Hero’s not bad but I’m not sure when this became a one man operation. I’m not a sidekick lol

    • zombievrobot