V-Dubbin' my own lyrics over your beats.

Canned Goods are the bomb! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800" caption="All Bro'd out."]All Brod out.[/caption] Sean aka 81Cabrio from VWarmy.net let me at his photobucket account to share with you some pictures from Boarder Bash event in Windsor this past Sunday. Check it out! Seans a pretty rad dude, him and I met in a typical DQ way, I was in reverse. Pulled along the side of the highway on my way out to Guelph for my young lady. A blacked out, phone dialed, mk1 Cabrio (err golf? :P) was askew on the side of the 401. Sean greeted me as I offered a ride or my gas can, but neither was a solution to his issue. We spoke for a few minutes, his 2L swapped, turbo'd motor was giving him some firing issues and my and his lack of tools didn't really help at all. Moments later a ballin' ass Vw Syncro Passat wagon pulled up, and out stood a man wearing a terrible button up shirt, a great attitude and a nice and helpful screw driver. With some corrosion removed from the distributer plug, Sean was on his way. Eric remained, I checked out his Syncro win, and exchanged some contact information! More to come from these guys in the future! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800" caption="As posted recently, the puma GT is rare, but there are a few around!"]As posted recently, the puma GT is a rare, but there are a few around![/caption] I'm a bit upset I missed this show, as I've been hyping up Volkswagon a lot lately, and seeing some V-dubs from the K-dubs would've been a nice follow up! I'm so upset I missed seeing a wrought iron beetle in person!! They have such an interesting style and charisma to them, plus their history and past is something worth knowing! Thanks for the photo's Sean! www.vwarmy.net

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  • Well, I hope you make it down next year for 11th annual BorderBash…you are more than welcome to roll with “the army” down to my neck of the woods, as it is ALWAYS a great time!!
    Out of all the shows I have hosted, this was by far my favorite!

    Thanks for posting some of the pics,
    Mandy a.k.a “TOPLESSBUNNY”
    Windsor branch of the vw army

    • Mandy
  • Thanks for the coverage of this awesome event on your blog and yes you should definitely come with us to this next year.

    • 81CABRIO
  • I’d like to go to one of these events myself!

    • supralordass
  • never met you before but im the other eric. the mean ass kickin one that drinks and causes wreck ass on the world. thank you for the coverage. if you see a skull in your rearview its probly my grill . im a fan of the old supras and celicas and thanks for stopping for dutchy. i knew that there were others out there that do that.

    public indecency since 1975

    • eric