SPEED HERO Blog — Uncategorized



Meat stick

I'm not sure most people know what a hot rod really is? Do people realize that the strength of the hot rod culture is not a style, but rather a function? Technical specifications define a hot rod: A motor from a heavier vehicle retrofitted into a smaller automotive chassis. I wish there was a more obvious divide between the idea of Hot Rod's function and style. Junkyard boys, throwing, hucking, chucking pieces of scrap together. Allowing the over engineering of other individual designs to be combined in...


I'm Sorry.

I am getting my shit together after moving to the other side of the continent. more soon!...epic amounts.

Lost somewhere between NASCAR and F1

Somewhere in the annals of time, someone somewhere came up with what I think could have been the greatest idea for a racing series ever. No, I'm not talking about touring car racing.  That's awesome in its own right, but it's not what I'm writing about today. This is what I'm talking about. [caption id="attachment_2068" align="alignnone" width="595" caption="Look, it's dumped!"][/caption] This is an Alfa Romeo 164. [caption id="attachment_2069" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="I wonder if I could fit that...