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Flikr Abuse Thursday

It's not Thursday. I'm just in a wagon mood. I want pictures of cool wagons, mmmkay. PS wagons. Kay. [gallery columns="1" orderby="rand"]

That Wagon

I literally have a folder on my computer named "that wagon". There are certain cars in life that catch my interest, and I save little scraps about them like a squirrel. One of them is a Subaru Impreza wagon. It made an impression on me a long time ago, flipping through some magazine articles of random trips to Japan, in the back round you could see a little shitty white wagon always sliding along. Time and time again it pops up, never ever the focus of the video or article, it's always out and about sliding. It's been around for...


There's so much going on in the world at one time. Watching movies about the future are great, some really give a good feeling or vibe, while others really almost seem to hit the nail on the assumed head. What often is the case though, is a vision of singularity, there's signs of age, but often not signs of past, and just too much present. In everyday life now, there is a common them of the present, but the present is made up of a wider spectrum of items and imagery of a vast past, mostly a more recent one, a...

State of Disconnect

Industrial design interests me. For as long as I could remember I've wanted to design cars. Car guy is not an addition to my personality, it's not a topic to chat about at family gatherings, it's not something that is a passing interest as a young adult. From day 1, the initial, the beginning, I haven't, I won't have been a car guy, I am a car guy. A core, a center, a middle, each person has that little stone of being in the middle of them, an essence. If I had to define further, I'd say I'm a utilitarian,...

Luxury Necessities.

Have you ever lived in a world where a luxury becomes a necessity? What would you do without running water, cell phones, or comfortable shoes? Granted in having, to have held, to hold something dear even though it has no needed use. I like cars, and I like telling people what I think about them. I've had some negative feedback, and it seems that if no one says these things, then there is no one to be wrong. I must make this, 100% clear: I have expectations to your reaction to this post. I am not against roll cages, they...