E7 Love❣❣❣
Yeah, so I dicked up the first article. This one will be a little bit better, but still needs improvement to be perfect. On a whim while building my scooter I asked Joel; "How many body styles of the E7 are there actually?" "I unno," he muttered back. Having reviewed my original E7 article long ago, I realized it was crappy, like all the other things I post. I spent a few hours collecting photos, to help build a better article than before. For those of you in the know, the "E" in the...
Swamp Thing
Living Vicariously Through Wall Taps.
Some follow up pics of Sundays drift day. Great day, high spirits and the return of the Zombi in the hands of someone more capable.
E7 Love, more more more! You almost make me forget about Tacos.
So, Rolla club? Pretty big. Rolla club roll call? Every page: worth it. Click here for epic E7 love.
Teaser, fuck year.
For those of you who are slow, that's a Super charger off a 4AGZE crammed on a 4KC motor. SWEET. Mre about e7's, Here and Here