SPEED HERO Blog — speed hero
My Name is...?
I've had some things bouncing around my skull for a while now. It took a message from Q to get me moving. Speed Hero is coming to a point where the free blogging isn't going to cut it. We're running out of space and missing out on some of the opportunities that come with a little more legitimacy. Unfortunately, we need a name. Some time after this blog started, speedhero.com was scooped up by an Iphone app. out of the UK. So here we are, in need of a name that will allow us to continue to grow and make...
Look What I Found in the Pudding.
The proof.
Footage from the last Capital Drift event, courtesy of Dugwillis once again.Bukit Putus...
Spotted this video on another site and had to share. Amazing road, no traffic.
So good.Contro-Cultura
Seems I was put on this earth by what ever god you believe or disbelieve in, to accentuate and educate others on the possibilities of alternative living. I'm no Cobain, but rather a car enthusiast with no money. Insert the latest acquisition: a 1976 Alfa Romeo Alfetta. I've received plenty of free cars in my life and this is another to the list. Changes in my life have occurred over the last year and I'm trying my VERY best to stick with ONE car, since my project...