SPEED HERO Blog — Scooters

1984 Murder Spree

Continuing the scooter rescue, I had picked up this 1984 Honda Spree for free from Nanaimo. It was in severely rough shape, having not followed the recommened "Not for offroad use" sticker posted below the gauge cluster. Another sticker posted on these scooters is the tune of "Don't modify, you'll just make it slower." And it's the truth, for those of you just getting into scooters or other 2 stroke engines, there is a difference in your approach to modifying a 2 stroke versus a 4 stroke. Yes, it's true, the more an engine breathes, the better the performance, however...

Flossin' Traffic.

Many moons ago I had a catastrophic financial failure and had to sell everything I owned. I had been living in a forest building custom Toyota Corollas, all assembled from other peoples refuse. Suddenly I returned home to find I was forced to move into the City, all while shedding my precious Corolla stash. Landing on a couch I found a job at a local BMW dealership on the other side of town. After a few weeks of some big long walks, another local Corolla lover told me there might be a scooter I could have. Hosting a long term growth of...

Bee Awesome

I'm going Ape Crazy over this Piaggio. These things are super rad! Basically a 3 wheeled scooter, they were built as a way to get people moving goods cheap, and to stimulate a down economy fast! The Ape (err Ape is italian for Bee, figure that out) is cheap to build and shares common parts with most vintage scooters, so there's no worries for developing countries.  Cool thing is? They are still in full production since their start in 1948. Plus they come in tons of configurations! Like this...