SPEED HERO Blog — lexus
Flagship UCF10
Dugan contacted me. "Hey Quinn, I'm getting another car, do you want my LS400?" Yes. Simply Yes. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Thanks to www.trevorball.com for some of the snaps in this post![/caption] Faith and I hopped in her truck and headed up island to Courtney. A few hours later we arrived to find a Dug and a lovely lexus. After a few instructions we were back on the road coming back to Vic. The grinding was the brakes. No pad left on the front right! After the drive Faith commented "I don't...
The Beginnings of something renewed.
Working hard, slaving away making someone else's dream a reality is a constant reminder I have my own. I like cars, just a whole heck of a lot. Stashing cash like a squirrel with nuts, hogging away washing cars like a kid saving for summer camp, I managed to scrape enough together to buy a Lexus. A big boat of a car, 1UZFE powered SC400, it was a hope of an upgrade in social status. The plans? To build a 'Big Corolla'. The idea was simple: Keep...
It's Monday! Fun local car Monday!
Low, flared and deep Diamond racings. Happy Monday folks!
[caption id="attachment_105" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="In Kitchener-Waterloo? Who knew?"][/caption]