This pomme de terre came to me recently. I'm trying to do something with it. I'm not bright. Let's just keep count here. I believe this is #24. I've now owned, 24 corollas. I wouldn't consider this much of a Corolla, but it technically counts, since I write my own rules.
Sooke ma Duke
I'm not going to lie. I miss posting here. I'll resolve that with a post, so here we go. If you see "zombievrobot" as the poster it's not Discoquinn. In celebration of a certain celebrities 26th birthday, an innocent unsuspecting car was obtained. The first(ish) generation RX7 boasted the unmurderable 12a and mediocre styling (by my account). First thing inevitably being first, style happened. Saturday was spent making some minor adjustments to the mechanics and major adjustments to the swag. The only mandate being, there...
Pictorial History of the 1985 RX7, King of the Undead!
Let's summarize shall we? [caption id="attachment_84" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="Pleather death, death to pleather."]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_86" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="The hell?"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_87" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="Refreshing sweat for a job well done. Well, a job done anyway."]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_88" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="Everybody stay calm, I\'m a...
Good bye dear Zombie.
A questions arises: Is it a Journey if you end up going no where? Yes it began here. Right here, no photos, no locations, just here. This is also where this journey ends. Whatever your mind is thinking right now, where ever you picture in your head. A lamp on a dark light corner, a person observing to learn, an ideal waiting to bloom. The journey hasn't moved, but along the way of it's lack of movement, along it's path of motionlessness things have occurred in an epic fashion. Today we say...