SPEED HERO Blog — e70
E7 Love❣❣❣
Yeah, so I dicked up the first article. This one will be a little bit better, but still needs improvement to be perfect. On a whim while building my scooter I asked Joel; "How many body styles of the E7 are there actually?" "I unno," he muttered back. Having reviewed my original E7 article long ago, I realized it was crappy, like all the other things I post. I spent a few hours collecting photos, to help build a better article than before. For those of you in the know, the "E" in the...
I'm Just Going to Leave these Lying Here...
Speed Hero does not condone Photohop abuse...sometimes it just happens.
You may recognize the white E70 belonging to frequent commenter and deviant Warren (not UK), not to mention the rotting banana wagon.
Real posts are on there way.
Naner, Naner, Naner.
Temporary Success.
So, story goes: I move across the continent with nearly no money and a car full of tools. Dorikaze's Gordo (ed) provides me with a shell of a wagon for $50. With my hands and my wits. It has come together and driven from the spot it was parked. I hope it continues to do so. It's alive, it moves under it's own power and I somehow installed my clutch backwards, but it works sort of. lol
Read the article
Hell Comes to Drift Town.
If you're going to have a small Toyota meet, you might as well do it in the middle of a hurricane. The weather was intense, huge winds and damn cold but with Paul down from Calgary, we had to roll out. Warren was out in his 86, White, stripped and now rolling on some new 14 x 7 diamonds. Jeff was doing his best impression of a hovercraft, floating just barely off the pavement.