SPEED HERO Blog — duke of sooke
This pomme de terre came to me recently. I'm trying to do something with it. I'm not bright. Let's just keep count here. I believe this is #24. I've now owned, 24 corollas. I wouldn't consider this much of a Corolla, but it technically counts, since I write my own rules.
Local Speed Heros: The Duke of Sooke.
This is a post that should've been written many moons ago. Blinded by the dazzle, it's here now. Corey Bergerud is the epitome of idea of Speed Hero. It's important when I see the right person to point them out, and there's no one more I can think of that gets it. Whatever it is, if your searching for an example best to look to Corey.
Corollas, all day, all up in your business: Old ones, REAL OLD. Corey's an avid collector of vintage Toyota tin. He's the go-to...
Sooke ma Duke
I'm not going to lie. I miss posting here. I'll resolve that with a post, so here we go. If you see "zombievrobot" as the poster it's not Discoquinn. In celebration of a certain celebrities 26th birthday, an innocent unsuspecting car was obtained. The first(ish) generation RX7 boasted the unmurderable 12a and mediocre styling (by my account). First thing inevitably being first, style happened. Saturday was spent making some minor adjustments to the mechanics and major adjustments to the swag. The only mandate being, there...