SPEED HERO Blog — drift

Ibaraki is quite pleasant in December.

So this story begins a few months ago.  I was biking home from work, when I decided to take the back streets home.  As I rounded the corner, I saw the familiar silhouette of a loved one.  It was a Levin hatchback.  Then I saw another.  Then I had to meet the owner of this magical place. As it turns out, he also has another AE86, a C3 Corvette, a Piaggio Ape, and a Formula SAE car tucked away on site.  His name is Komukai Ryou, and he's also one of my favourite...

Speed Hero Manga

Home from work with excessive depression, I was just being angry in photoshop when this poured out of me. Full gallery here:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/48368366@N02/sets/72157642875429035/

The Origins of the Minami Jump

Some of you know what the Minami Jump is. It's a very famous section of track, notorious for it's sudden rise and fall. A strange section of winding course. Here's the known video of it's official debut.

These 2004 origins seem pretty weak compared to the much more aggressive had it evolved? Yes. But who was really doing the first big Jump? Some might say Daigo Saito.

Daigo's extreme practice regiment really pushed the boundaries of the Minami Jump and began aggressively applying it to contest runs shortly...

Making Lemonade

Making Breaking Lemonade, it's tough to crack a glass of juice without affecting the cup. Hot yellow stuff, that's what we are talking about. Strong, distinct smell and can give you a bit of a sore throat if you consume too much. Gasoline is an ever going problem with the wagon. Slosh? Thought so. Fuel pressure? Thought that too. Bogging always under hard throttle! What's going on. My floor was hot. I tried to sit...


Momentum is a dangerous good, It's often dealt without warning and creeps in from the back corner. Growth is that hard guy smoking in school, leather jacket, cool but rough and unpredictable. If you know what your doing, if approached correctly, the momentum of growth can be harnessed for productive purposes, improvement. But like any thing, when you stack more weight on an object, we hope it can bear the increased load. The local scene is now conflicted, with the sudden increase in popularity there is a...