SPEED HERO Blog — China
Is That Safe?
So is it? Watch the video, I have the answer for you.
The answer is Yes, technically speaking. As much as you think it's another in our great posts on 4 Runners, it's not. But Quinn, surely you jest, my eyes are trained skilled machines and can tell a 4 runner when I see one. You'd be wrong.
I love China.
Look, I'm a Communist Buddhist...Buddhuminist for short. I believe in open opportunity for all equally, and that objects only have value if they have use. So the Chinese system of production, and lack of patent laws makes life interesting and for the most part logical. [caption id="attachment_2621" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Let\'s go ahead and thank Alexi at Noriyaro.com for this photo. "][/caption] Yes, that is a first gen Japanese Suzuki Alto Works. However, the Chinese already build all the parts/replacement parts for this car. So, why not build their own?...