SPEED HERO Blog — ccd
It's been over 2 years living in Victoria. Operating, interacting with the world is quite different than it was when I first arrived. The island itself hasn't changed much though, but how my everyday life goes on it, too it, has.
Before making foot prints on this, for all the islanders know it, black and white soil, there was a strong scene here in Victoria. Looking back on the footage the driving was terrible, but...
I know, I know, my photos are just absolutely the best. However I urge you to open your mind just for a bit to check out the huge variety of amazing shots from local Photographers. We had a tons of coverage from this last event, including a new film from Justin Robert! Enjoy! Ryan Drader http://www.flickr.com/photos/rdphoto2/sets/72157626797553032/ Duncan Hebenik http://dunkanh.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/ccd-round-2-may-23-2011/ Shandy Sanderson http://www.flickr.com/photos/driftmasium/ [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=albHFsx7nvo]
Chill Bro, it's the weekend.
My day started like any other; in the passengers seat of some strangers truck hauling goat meat and framed paintings. A dog sit beside me chewing milk bones at his leisure and quantity, straight out of what appeared to be, a once full box. This day, was going to be a relaxed one. Sun was out, clouds gathered into a group and shuffled into the next room, and the parking lot filled with cars from another land. People smiled, tires burned, sunburns became a hot fashion for the afternoon...
Hussle n' Flow
Justin threw together a super great video from the April 22nd event! Sweet!
If you want to see some of the raw snapper, there's a longer extra footage video here.Gettin' Casual
[caption id="attachment_7457" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Nick D'Oldford I presume."][/caption]
Another Cap D Come and Gone. The seasons opener was a fairly smooth event, with some mainland flavour coming out on top. Simplicity is the most rewarding aspect of Cap D. Show up, bring a helmet and drive your car, although there are some who seem to miss this concept, beyond the 'have fun' attitude there really is no other agenda. A car that runs and the battery doesn't seem to bounce out the trunk onto the track helps....