SPEED HERO Blog — British Columbia
DRL's and Road Signs
I live in the cold of Canada. For those of you far south of here, you may not be as heavily affected by daylight savings time. From my limited and ignorant perspective, the further you are from the equator, the less daylight you have during the winter months. The daylight hours are far longer during the summer than in the winter. I live on one of the southern most points of Canada, and even then, it's a difference of many hours during the summer versus the winter. For the most part Canada uses mainly American department of transportation standards...
Making Lemonade
Making Breaking Lemonade, it's tough to crack a glass of juice without affecting the cup. Hot yellow stuff, that's what we are talking about. Strong, distinct smell and can give you a bit of a sore throat if you consume too much. Gasoline is an ever going problem with the wagon. Slosh? Thought so. Fuel pressure? Thought that too. Bogging always under hard throttle! What's going on.
My floor was hot. I tried to sit...