SPEED HERO Blog — bed dancer
Radical Moving Mini Truck
These videos popped up in my recommended list. I found them kind of shocking, simply because these are the days BEFORE the internet. So the origins and sharing of this style of 'euro' lowriding in my mind was centralized mostly to the United states, especially Florida and California....However, these videos are straight from Japan. Who influenced who and where was the spark originally? What types of medias were being watched and by whom? I used to be an avid follower of Lowrider and Eurolowrider magazine when I was younger, and there was no Japanese influence I remember being written about...
Bed Dancer come Back?
Earlier on in the Blog's life we had a post about a very famous and well known Bed Dancer by the name of "Alien Toy" Note: As Seen On Tv. Browsing around the interwebs today, I came across a thread... Apparently people are still building bed dancers. Pretty cool stuff! I thought Z racks were a thing of the past, but alas, everything comes round!
Not only that, but they are now...