SPEED HERO Blog — Autocross
Sooke ma Duke
I'm not going to lie. I miss posting here. I'll resolve that with a post, so here we go. If you see "zombievrobot" as the poster it's not Discoquinn. In celebration of a certain celebrities 26th birthday, an innocent unsuspecting car was obtained. The first(ish) generation RX7 boasted the unmurderable 12a and mediocre styling (by my account). First thing inevitably being first, style happened. Saturday was spent making some minor adjustments to the mechanics and major adjustments to the swag. The only mandate being, there...
Local Crossing Autos
A collection of locals auto crossing. Simple! Near Victoria? Come Join!
Nature. Now with Plenty of Parking.
An anonymous wise man once said "fuck ass put shit up yams!" So here we are. This type of session isn't for the faint of heart. It's also not for anyone with awesome ride height and stance. Admission only requires reckless abandon and a willingness to sacrifice your underbody.
After a failed attempt earlier in the week, it was time for the Rollas to suffer.
April auto X Photodump.
Cone Killers Anonymous
Valentines day is a day for squealing tires and eating cones, well...if you're doing it right. Victoria Motorsport Club held it's second winter event this past weekend. The turn out was massive and the impressive organization kept everything running like clockwork, insurance voiding clockwork. The immense crowd is broken into two groups. It's arbitrary but as one group races the other monitors the corners and recovers cone casualties. For those interested in learning, they also offer a club car for rent. Thrash someone elses EG Civic...