SPEED HERO Blog — 4ac
E7 Love❣❣❣
Yeah, so I dicked up the first article. This one will be a little bit better, but still needs improvement to be perfect. On a whim while building my scooter I asked Joel; "How many body styles of the E7 are there actually?" "I unno," he muttered back. Having reviewed my original E7 article long ago, I realized it was crappy, like all the other things I post. I spent a few hours collecting photos, to help build a better article than before. For those of you in the know, the "E" in the...
Urine Trouble
It runs. Nothing can be said about longevity at this point but the 4ag block, 4ac head, re-used/re-drilled head gasket starts, runs and revs. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZQbHnJbsJ8]
Down in the Ghetto....
So you buy a wagon for $50 with a blown 3TC. You live with NO money and you want to drop a motor in it? You grab the SR5 subframe sitting around back, jam it in and figure some shit out. Yes I re-used a photo. Anyways, story goes, bought a wagon for $50 bones, it sat at Ed's place for 6 weeks until he threatened to crush it. Fair enough. Called up the CAA (like AAA but Canadian Baconish) and had them tow it home. Turns...
When There's No More Room in Hell
I remember when it all began. With one final squeal and a death rattle it settled into what was sure to be it's final resting place. You'll have to excuse the pictures you've seen before...or not.
After some embalming and gussying up, it was ready for viewing. Little did I know it would roar back to life and go on a tire throwing,...
Zombi - Dog Dangling Saturday Update.
Wanted to grind my rust, wife was sleeping, settled for grinding my teeth and quietly repairing my fender.
I figure I have some time to work on the body while I source all the parts I need. What I really need is some input into what colour the car should be, not that primer gray isn't sexy. Also...
$10 at a garage sale, I couldn't stop myself. I will be very happy...