We got out of the house!
Matt, Joel and I got out of the house and wandered around Victoria. Joel and I followed Matt in his 1UZ-FE powered corolla down to the Oak Bay Marina to do some sight seeing, followed by a visit to Kuma Noodles for some cheap and authentic Ramen. We finished the evening off with some Flatland and revscene. Was a rad night. You can find more of Joel's Daily Vlog on his Channel Platform Garage Films.

Flagship UCF10
Dugan contacted me. "Hey Quinn, I'm getting another car, do you want my LS400?" Yes. Simply Yes. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Thanks to www.trevorball.com for some of the snaps in this post![/caption] Faith and I hopped in her truck and headed up island to Courtney. A few hours later we arrived to find a Dug and a lovely lexus. After a few instructions we were back on the road coming back to Vic. The grinding was the brakes. No pad left on the front right! After the drive Faith commented "I don't...